About Me
My name is Colin and welcome to my website 😊
I count myself as being a very lucky man. In my day job(s) I get to help people with their health as a chiropractor and a nutrition coach. That took a fair amount of hard work to get, but my true luck comes in the form of where I live. I live in Scotland, for me one of the most beautiful countries in the world! In my spare time, I get to explore it and photograph it....what could be better?
Anyone who knows me will tell you that my memory is terrible and so taking photographs has always been a way of remembering events for me. Whether it's holidays, weddings, parties or drunken nights out at Uni (maybe a few too many of those!), I seem to have photos of them. And at the start, it was more about what was happening in the photo than the quality of the image for me and, like most people, I cringe a little when I look at some of my old photos. Don't get me wrong, what's in the photo is still really important to me, but now I like to take more care in trying to get the best quality image I can as well (with mixed results if I'm honest!). Every now and then, you manage to take a photo that gets both elements (composition and image quality) just right and it's those that I plan to share with you on this website.
If you like any of the images enough to want a printed copy then head to the 'Store' section, where a limited number of the images will be available to buy. I plan to rotate the images available, so if your favourite image isn't available then keep checking and it'll hopefully appear 👍🏼
My Photography Rules:
(That I try to follow!)
Only take photos of scenes and places I love to look at....it definitely makes it easier to put the effort into getting the photo (and there is often a lot of effort!!)
Remember that I'm always learning and part of that is to make mistakes (most of them stupid and done repeatedly!)
Always keep my eyes open for possible photos.....they are everywhere, you just need to spot them!
Try to stop buying new kit until I actually need it.....it's addictive 😔
Try to stop over-processing images.....most times nature is beautiful enough without adding too much!
Published Images:
BBC Scotland online - Your Pictures of Scotland (4 times to date)
The National online (12 times to date)
Contact Me:
Email - colrphotography@gmail.com